Hold it to your heart and press it to your lips.

Due to my absence from living in the past two weeks because of excessive amounts of working, i did a little too much catching up this weekend. Hot dman got the best of me on thurs/fri .. eloise and i tried to recover the next day but only found ourselves overindulging. Saturday i made the bad decision to drive to ivy, so much staring, insane space cadet, interesting ride home, i am not lady gaga. With around 6 hours sleep under my belt for the past 3 nights work on Sunday morning was painful, my poor eyeballs. Alas i headed out for birthday drinks at the Winsto later on, birthday boy tried to make out with my cheek, i was not drunk enough for this to be acceptable. I was a little stranded and a friend came and collected me, he probably shouldn't have but i appreciated it a lot. Boys make me laugh. Oh and i had a very pleasant dream on Tuesday night i forgot to note it down before, i love good dreams. I also love Eloise for the title of this post, even though we nearly ended up wrapped around a pole it was well worth the classic nature of the call.

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